6. Reflections, Assessment, Evaluations

iTEC 3 Learning Story: does it work? Assessment and evaluation, here the results















Download here pdf graphics: iTEC 3 Assessment

I.I.S. “G.Fortunato” Rionero in Vulture, Italy

Class: 1G Liceo Scientifico Scienze applicate

Teacher: Riccardo Lopes (Design and Art history, 2h for week)

Learning Story: ArtBox/TalkingSpace

Students: n.17

Assessment, goals and objectives articulated in LS:

1)      input assessment

2)      in itinere assessment

3)      outcome assessment

Scale ratings from 2 (min) to 10 (max), first positive value=6

Summary of results:

1) Starting point of the class was very critical.

2) A month after implementation of iTEC program, students’ level has improved but staying on too few values ​​(for some students even worse).

3) During final month there is a very positive increase, mainly due to success of app used (edMondo Second Life).

http://issuu.com/vibrazionilucane/docs/vulture_magazine_27_dicembre234?mode=window&backgroundColor=%23222222 (see page 15)



